Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 23, 23:01 GMT
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 23, 22:01 GMT
Scheduled -
During this window we will be performing network maintenance to improve how some traffic is routed within the network. This work is not expected to cause customer impact but we're announcing it as a network at-risk period due to the nature of the configuration changes required.
Jan 21, 16:25 GMT
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 23, 23:00 GMT
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 23, 22:00 GMT
Scheduled -
We will be performing maintenance on the NS2 authoritative DNS service. This maintenance is not expected to be visible or have any impact, NS0 and NS1 will remain in service without any configuration changes during this window.
Jan 22, 17:01 GMT
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 23, 02:00 GMT
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 22, 22:00 GMT
Scheduled -
We will be working on a redundant device within our network during the maintenance window, no impact is expected. however we will be running at risk from reduced redundancy during this period.
Jan 21, 09:23 GMT
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 16, 23:30 GMT
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 16, 20:00 GMT
Scheduled -
We will be working on a redundant device within our network during the maintenance window, no impact is expected. however we will be running at risk from reduced redundancy during this period.
Jan 15, 13:28 GMT